Yellow Spotted Scorpionfish
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Sebastapistes cyanostigma
The Yellowspotted Scorpionfish has a mottled reddish-brown coloration with yellow patches. The dorsal spines are venomous so care must be taken when working int eh aquarium when these fish are present. These diminutive predators will not harm coral but will eat ornamental shrimps or small fish that will fit in it's mouth.
Best maintained in aquariums with rocky bottoms or preferably with several artificial branching corals and surges in water flow. Tankmates must be peaceful so as not to nip its large fins, and large enough not to be eaten.
As to diet, these fish are carnivores and require a diet high in protein and amino acids (lipids/fats). Products such as marine fish and crustacean flesh, clams, and other marine meaty foods should make up the majority of their diet.
As for live foods, occasional small live mollies and/or guppies can provide for that natural feeding excitement found in the wild should live marine fish not be available. Nevertheless, feeding small freshwater live fish should be considered a special treat and not become a steady diet since they lack the fatty acids that marine fish need to stay healthy.
Also, keep in mind that feeder goldfish, which cannot survive but a few minutes in seawater, also carry many different bacteria, fungi, and protozoa that can cause parasitic and infectious diseases. Furthermore, feeder goldfish can also cause blockage in the digestive track and/or kidney along with liver damage due to fatty degeneration in the consuming fish. And this will ultimately lead to the consumer’s death. In fact, fatty liver degeneration is a common cause of death in cases where marine fish are fed a diet that primarily consists of goldfish (as with Lionfish for example). Also, its possible the large air bladder in the goldfish can upset the internal balance in this fish, sometimes causing it to float at the surface, possibly killing it.
Non-living foodstuffs can be suspended/impaled on a long thin stick and dangled within range to entice feeding.
Because these are sedentary fish, their metabolism is quite low and three or four feedings per week should suffice nicely.