Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber

Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber

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What the Tiger Tail Cucumber lacks in beauty, it makes up for in cleaning power.


Behavior: The Tiger Tail Cucumber is a great “housekeeper” for the reef aquarium. It eats detritus, diatoms, and scraps of meaty foods from the sand that passes through its body. One Tiger Tail Cucumber is sufficient for a 60 gallon aquarium.


Feeding: Provide the Tiger Tail Cucumber with plenty of sand bed to sift through. It will scavenge scraps of meaty foods left over by fish.


Tip: Do not keep with aggressive fishes that are not safe with invertebrates. Also make sure to protect it from being sucked into an overflow box or pump intake. It does have the ability to release toxins into the aquarium that could poison fish although it is extremely unlikely.


Reproduction: The Tiger Tail Cucumber can reproduce by fission (one individual splits into two), and can live for several years in the home aquarium.


Acclimation: Maintaining proper pH, Ca, Alk, & Mg levels is important for cucumbers. Take the time to do a drip acclimation with any cucumber as they do not tolerate rapid changes in water chemistry very well.


Care Level: Easy

Reef Compatible: Yes

Diet: Omnivore

Range: Indo Pacific

Family: Holothuridae

Water Conditions: 75-80° F; sg 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is ideal); pH 8.1-8.4 Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8-9.5 dKH, Mg 1260-1350, Nitrates <10ppm, Phosphates < .10ppm