Pocillopora - Metallic Green
Approx 1.5" Frag
The Pocillopora Coral can live in a variety of lighting conditions, ranging from power compacts, VHO, T-5's up to the more intense metal halides. Alter their position in the aquarium depending on the lighting. In an aquarium lit by metal halides, Pocillopora Corals should be kept in a mid to low position, and under other lighting they should be kept in a mid to high position. To bring out the most intense coloration of this coral, we recommend metal halide lighting. For continued good health, they will require the addition of a two part calcium and buffer supplement in order to maintain a calcium level of 400-450 ppm and dKH of 8-12. It will benefit from the addition of zooplankton.
Care Level - Moderate
Temperament - Peaceful
Water Conditions - 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Family - Pocilloporidae
Lighting - Moderate to High
Supplements - Calcium
Waterflow - Strong
Placement - Middle to Top