Bonsai Acropora
Approx. 1" frag
The Bonsai Acropora Coral is a compact branching coral available in a striking combination of colors. Like other Acroporas it is hardy and fast growing under a range of conditions. Although this coral will thrive under moderate lighting, higher intensity lighting should be used to obtain the best coloration. However, photoacclimating the Bonsai Acropora Coral to very strong lighting should be done slowly to avoid losing its vivid coloration.
The ideal setup for the Bonsai Acropora Coral is an established reef aquarium with bright lighting achieved with T-5s, powerful LEDs or the more intense metal halides. Under the right conditions, the growth rate of Acropora corals is much more rapid than most other corals found in an established reef aquarium.
To maximize the growth rate of your Bonsai Acropora Coral, it is imperative to maintain high pH, alkalinity, and calcium levels while keeping phosphate and nitrate levels as close to zero as possible. If conditions are ideal, it can also be cultured and grown into a new colony from living fragments or broken pieces.
In addition to high lighting conditions and near pristine water quality, the Bonsai Acropora Coral benefits from strong, intermittent water flow within the aquarium. This is best accomplished with a wavemaker and multiple powerheads. For continued good health, the aquacultured Bonsai Acropora Coral requires the addition of calcium, strontium, iodine, magnesium supplements, as well as trace elements.
The symbiotic algae zooxanthellae hosted within the aquacultured Acropora Coral supplies the coral a majority of its nutrition. However, it will benefit from the addition of various types of phyto and zooplankton.